Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Inclusion Of Students With Disabilities - 1252 Words

I am extremely in favor of inclusion of students with disabilities. Inclusion can be defined as an option in which the education of a child is taken into consideration. For example, it involves the students with disabilities pursuing most or all of their education within an ordinary school setting with their other classmates that do not have disabilities. Inclusion has many objectives, but the most important objective of inclusion would definitely have to be in that it is a program that supports children with special needs having equal educational conditions. Inclusion attempts to accomplish this by giving those students various resources that will help them succeed in school, such as greater access to the general education curriculum.†¦show more content†¦Students with disabilities should feel that they belong in the classroom. They should not feel like if the school and teachers are doing them a favor by letting them be in the regular classrooms. They should feel lik e they belong there. I agree with the two initiatives that were started in 2002 and 2004. They are The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA). Thanks to the start of those two initiatives many students with disabilities have positively benefited. Those initiatives have enable them to receive the majority of their instruction in a general education setting. There has been a trend that researchers have noticed that is occurring. In the last ten years, there has been an increase in educating the students with disabilities in the general education settings. There has also been a trend in the teachers being prepared to work with all types of students (McCray, 2011). From what I have learned from the teacher preparation program in my university, I feel slightly prepared to work with students with disabilities. I have learned many things such as different methods to accommodate those students with disabilities. In the various courses, I have learned many important techniques to help students with disabilities. For example, I have learned that I need to try various alternatives such as scaffolding and differentiating

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